MEMBER NEWS: Guest Bloggers for The Sweet Flag Blog -

MEMBER NEWS: Guest Bloggers for The Sweet Flag Blog

We're Waving the Flag!

I am so excited to share the names of my guest bloggers! On July 16th, the Flag will proudly wave for: Darragha Foster. Darragha writes for Liquid Silver Books about witches, and Orca Kings and Vikings and Vampires and Viking Vampires ;~D Darr will be sharing the low down on the down low of the ancient Icelandic gods...and whatever else springs from her naughty mind.

July 23rd, Kayelle Allen will visit.
Kayelle also writes for Liquid Silver Books. She's created tales of the CHOSEN set in the Tarthian Empire. I'll be interviewing Kayelle, trying to dig out her secrets!

July 30th, Emily Veinglory joins us. Emily writes for several publishers including Loose Id, Samhain, Cobblestone and Aspen Mountain Press. She specialises in gay romance with a dark or paranormal twist.

Upcoming chats for August: J.M. Snyder 8/6 Kiernan Kelly 8/13 Josh Lanyon 8/20 KZ Snow 8/27

Hope you'll join us there!

Jeanne "The Sweet Flag" available at:

"The Shimmering Flame" available at:

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MEMBER NEWS: Guest Bloggers for The Sweet Flag Blog MEMBER NEWS: Guest Bloggers for The Sweet Flag Blog Reviewed by Sassy Brit @ on 5:40 am Rating: 5

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