Title: Demon's Portal: Torrid Tarot, Ace of Wands
Author: Elyssa Lynne
Publisher: Ellora's Cave
Website of Publisher: http://www.ellorascave.com
Genre: Paranormal
Rating: S-ensuous
Publication date: August 2007
ISBN: 9781419911675
Length: Short Novel
Format: eBook
Sharla had her fortune read at a museum fundraiser, she drew the Ace of Wands and was told 'you are filled with excitement of a new undertaking. You have just discovered some new path in you life and energy and excitement surge through you to pursue it. An auspicious time. A fortunate time'.
Sharla was not buying it, nothing exciting ever happened to her. As she snuck out of the fundraiser early a man dressed in a kilt and peasant shirt with sword and scabbard staggered out of the shadows with hounds baying at him. She just had to jump at the opportunity to help him, and what a world she tumbled into.
A light hearted story of mystic intrigue, and saving the world as we know it. With magic involved and a hero and heroin there are bound to be magical sexual energy as well. And this story has it all. Magic weapons, mystical portals, keys to keep the gates locked and a wonderful fairytale land for the forever after if all goes well.
Reviewer: Aris
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REVIEW: Demon's Portal: Torrrid Tarot, Ace of Wands by Elyssa Lynne from Ellora's Cave
Reviewed by Aris
7:33 am
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