Title: How To Dance With Life
Author: Sara DeGraff
Publisher: Timeless Avatar Press
Publisher’s Website: http://timelessavatarpress.com/
Genre: Non-Fiction/Self-Help/Spiritual
Publication date: 2005
ISBN: 0-9709917-9-7
Length: 88 pages
Format: Paperback
How To Dance With Life ~ Sara DeGraff ~Timeless Avatar Press ~ Non-Fiction / Self-help / Spiritual
A spiritually choreographed lesson in life!
The author, Sara DeGraff, is a Spiritual Master and Healer, therefore, the teachings within How to Dance with Life are dedicated to improving all aspects of your existence by promoting happiness and self-fulfilment through a heightened awareness of God and spirituality.
Using the analogy of dancing with life, Sara teaches you to find the correct dance (manifestos), choose the right music (values), whilst sharing her own experiences and advice to help you confront your own daily challenges. Once you have learnt which steps (techniques) are best for you, taking control of your life, at your own pace, should become easier.
Throughout this book there are some lovely examples of Sara's poems, prayers and affirmations. This, coupled with biblical passages and relevant quotes by famous people, emphasises her thoughts and ideas of How to Dance with Life. From defining and believing in yourself to giving thanks (to God), this is a philosophical, perceptive book.
Although it is apparent that Ms DeGraff believes we are all guided and watched by a Higher Being, she is also a social scientist, trained to be open and objective. So no matter what your beliefs are, you should not be put off by the references to God. Sara does not impose her own religious beliefs on you; she merely suggests believing in something would be beneficial in creating a sense of security and belonging required for a harmonious life. Replacing the word God with your preferred choice is easily done, and the basics of her teachings in the classroom of life remain the same.
Apart from a few exceptions, each page holds a new subject, which breaks up the lessons into easy, manageable and choreographed steps. Because of this, it's an easy read and can be picked up and flicked through at any time.
One thing I noticed is that the table of contents is listed under headings, such as 'Choosing the Dance' at the beginning, and ending with 'The Grand Finale'. This itself is a great idea, but these headings were not included in the main sections of the book, which would have been nice, although not a problem. Other than that, this made an interesting, empowering book of spiritual self-help.
Sara DeGraff is a Spiritual Master and Healer. She is also a member of the International Women's Writing Guild.
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201. Alternative READ: How To Dance With Life ~ Sara DeGraff ~ Timeless Avatar Press ~ Non-Fiction
Reviewed by Sassy Brit @ Alternative-Read.com
9:53 pm
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