65. An Alternative VIEW: Life in 1800 Writers Guide CD~Tammie Gibbs - Alternative-Read.com

65. An Alternative VIEW: Life in 1800 Writers Guide CD~Tammie Gibbs

Life in the 1800's A Writer's Guide

Are you writing a historical book? Need to research the history of the 1800’s? Whether you are a writer, researcher or need help in completing a historical project A Writer’s Guide CD Reference Library is a valuable research tool you cannot afford to miss. Now, I know I sound like I’m getting commission, but I’m not -- just very excited! Containing TWENTY actual books from the 1800’s you will gain an informative, historical perspective of real life in the 1800’s written for and about the people living during the era. Some of these books include actual details written in the format of diaries and journals, for complete authenticity you cannot beat. How can you doubt their accuracy if these facts come from the people who lived during the 1800’s? Their views may be extreme, not politically correct or modern for this day and age, but at the time they were! Which of course, is exactly what you need when researching into a different period.

You learn useful information about their social customs, what they ate, the clothing they wore and how they saw the world around them. Other interesting subjects include transportation, needlework and life for children. Just see what there is below:

Art of Dancing
The Great Round World
American Frugal Housewife
American Cookery
Naval History
The Art of Travel
Advice to Young Men & Women
Adventures of a 49er
Typographic Art
Household Management
Bundling and It's Origins
Burrough's Encyclopedia of Useful Information
Piddie Dumps
Directions for Cookery
Enquire Within Upon All Things
Godey's Lady's Book
Steps to Respectability
Homes and How to Make Them
Two Weeks in The Camp of Big Bear
My Memories of Eighty Years
Some Strange and Curious Punishments
At Home and Abroad
Lippincot's Magazine
Scientific America
Indian Games
A Domestic Problem: Work and Culture in the Household
Helps for Girls In School and Out
Indian Boyhood
Personal Memoirs of Grant
The Oregon Trail
Memories of Foreign Lands
California and Her Missions
Army Letters From An Officer's Wife
The Pirates Own Book
Story of the Pony Express

Please note, these are shortened titles above.

The first book I reviewed is The Art of Travel, first published in Great Britain, London, 1872. This is a fascinating insight to one man’s prospective, and personal craving for travelling the ‘Wild Lands’. Francis Galton talks about how to deal with reluctant servants, the dangers of rude and savage countries and even explains the scientific advantages of travel. Mentioning other interesting topics such as the importance of having good interpreters, engaging the natives and how it gives great life to the party if the natives also bring along their wives, for I quote –

“They [native wives] are of very great service, and cause no delay; for the body of a caravan must always travel at a foot's pace, and a woman will endure a long journey nearly as well as a man, and certainly better than a horse or a bullock. They are invaluable in picking up and retailing information and hearsay gossip, which will give clues to much of importance, that, unassisted, you might miss.”

I'm still giggling at that one!

There are also examples of how to keep a daily log, how to calculate travelling measurements, the rate of travel and all sorts of handy ideas to assist your expedition in the 1800’s, ensuring an enjoyable safe experience. From the early stages of planning, outfits, medicine, climbing and mountaineering, plus lots more, there's bound to be something to excite you. Remember, this is only a selection I’ve personally picked out from this ONE book, which has three-hundred pages! You will be sent TWENTY books, with varying lengths.

For reviewing purposes Tammie Gibbs also sent me two further books. The Art of Dancing, by John Weaver, Dancing-Master, is one-hundred and twenty-three pages of very detailed pictures explaining the steps, terms, positions and arm movements of the dancer. The third book, Golden Steps to Respectability, Usefulness and Happiness. Being a series of Lecture to Youth of both sexes, on character, principles, associates, amusements, religion and marriage by John Mather Austin, 1851. It’s certainly an eye-opener. Instantly my mind is whirring as I imagine the possibilities of some great story starters here. These are truly intriguing, mind-boggling books.

If I’m honest, these sounded good, but I was a little dubious to how useful they would be, however, after reading three books, (out of the twenty) I am satisfied these ARE every bit as informative as I hoped, and should be for you. How appropriate each of these twenty books will be to you, as an individual, may depend on what you need the research for. Having said that, where could you go wrong if you need information about the 1800’s? I can’t think of a better way than from the actual source. Another thing that struck me as being useful is the amount of time and money this CD will save you in the long run – no more trawling around the library searching out individual titles, or traipsing the shops for expensive historical guides. It’s all here in one volume, and will not cost you the earth.

For a limited period, until 30th September 2005, all members of the Alternative View Yahoo Group, will be able to purchase this disc for a REDUCED price and FREE WORLDWIDE postage and packing!

Where as this would normally be available to buy at $32.00 plus postage, you can get twenty books on one CD for


So what are you waiting for? Come and join us now!

65. An Alternative VIEW: Life in 1800 Writers Guide CD~Tammie Gibbs 65. An Alternative VIEW: Life in 1800 Writers Guide CD~Tammie Gibbs Reviewed by Sassy Brit @ Alternative-Read.com on 6:28 pm Rating: 5

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