61. An Alternative ARTICLE: The Thinker's Thesaurus ~ Philly.Com - Alternative-Read.com

61. An Alternative ARTICLE: The Thinker's Thesaurus ~ Philly.Com

A City Center lawyer, always in search of the sweetest synonym, found the modern thesaurus overflowing with mediocrity. He's written his own.

Next month...The Thinker's Thesaurus: Sophisticated Alternatives to Common Words (Marion Street Press), will land on bookstore shelves.

You do have to log into The Philadelphia Inquirer to read this article.
61. An Alternative ARTICLE: The Thinker's Thesaurus ~ Philly.Com 61. An Alternative ARTICLE: The Thinker's Thesaurus ~ Philly.Com Reviewed by Sassy Brit @ Alternative-Read.com on 8:55 am Rating: 5

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