Nancy M. Bell
to Alternative-Read!
Nancy's Typical Writing Day
First, I would like to let everyone know I am donating a portion of the royalties for my September 30, 2011 release Laurel's Miracle to Dare to Dream Horse Rescue. Please help me support this great organization which also incorporates a youth ministry into their program.
My typical day is well, anything but typical. Walk the dogs, check on the horses and token cow, feed the cats, check the chickens, at some point later in the day remember to collect eggs . Then I plow through my emails and do my Twitter and Facebook rounds. I am so not good at promoting myself. Finally, I get down to either actually working on my current WIP or delving into research for it.
I love research, it is addicting and can often get in the way of getting the story down on paper.
My current WIP is the story of the heroine's grandmother from Laurel's Miracle. It is taking some unexpected twists and turns. I am also working on a Jack the Ripper story with another author, this one is has a real twist to it....What if....Jack fell in love?? Things that make you say..Hmmmm.
I am also an editor at MuseItup Publishing so I spend part of the day working on that too. Makes for an interesting juggle, often times I get up in the middle of the night to get the words my Muse is whispering to me down before they disappear into the ether.
I love being an author, and I love the fact that there is no typical day.
Cheers, keep writing and keep submitting.
Through This Door-Poetry by Nancy M Bell
Christmas Storm- A sweet romance Release date March 2012
Laurel's Miracle-A Cornwall Adventure by Nancy M Bell Release date September 2011
A Step Sideways-A Cornwall Adventure by Nancy M Bell Release date December 2011
*All giveaways are open to all WORLDWIDE unless otherwise stated.
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WOYDW: Nancy M. Bell describes her non-typical typical day!
Reviewed by Sassy Brit @
10:00 am

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