They broke free from their work stations and ran giggling down the factory hallways, stopping only to write crude missives on the walls. Transcribed here for your amusement, the most original voices in crime fiction offer you 27 tales of revulsion, heartbreak, and violence. Welcome to The First Shift.
For all the gory details head over to New Pulp Press, or buy directly at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or Indie Bound.
From established voices Ken Bruen, Leigh Redhead, Charlie Stella, Dave Zeltserman, Dennis Tafoya, Roger Smith, Craig McDonald and Adrian McKinty, to cult favorites Frank Bill, Scott Wolven, Nate Flexer, Andrew Nette, Jedidiah Ayres, Josh Converse, Greg Bardsley, Hilary Davidson, Kieran Shea, Cameron Ashley, Patricia Abbott, Chad Eagleton, Jimmy Callaway, Steve Weddle, Keith Rawson, Anonymous-9, Jonathan Woods, Liam Jose, Dave White, and Chris F. Holm, Crime Factory: The First Shift brings crime fiction to new highs and lows.
But don't take our word for it. Check out what the people who matter are saying:
"It had been shot in the back, left for dead. But ever since Crime Factory crawled out of its shallow grave and renewed its global rampage, I've been hugging my kin just a little tighter, and eyeing the horizon nervously. You're not going to find a more audacious, innovative and downright twisted crime fiction mag anywhere else on the planet, and this collection features the best of the best. So get our wallet. Because if you turn your back on this anthology, it just might shoot *you* in the back, leave *you* for dead." — Duane Swierczynski, author of Fun & Games
"There are new writers in Crime Factory: The First Shift and there are old pros, but they're all coming to play, and they're playing for keeps. Sweet and savage, profound and profane, you'll find everything you want from your crime fiction in here. Kudos to all involved for keeping the short story alive and writhing." — Sean Doolittle, author of The Clean Up and Rain Dogs
"Crime Factory is your one-stop source for sociopathic nonconsensual B&D escapades gone-wrong reimagined as syphilitic narcotrafficking docudramas as directed by the bastard offspring of Luis Buñuel and Ida Lupino. Buy it or be condemned to a one-way ticket to Squaresville!" — Scott Phillips, author of The Ice Harvest andThe Adjustment
As always, thanks for your support of indy publishing.
Jon Bassoff
New Pulp Press
Crime Factory: The First Shift
Reviewed by Sassy Brit @ Alternative-Read.com
12:53 pm

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