Thursday, June 9th 2011:
QUESTION: Writing scenes(Part two): Define a cliffhanger in your own words and tell what it means to your writing? Question provided by affiliate author L. P Robinson
We have now opened our Thursday chats to guests once a month! Book a group chat, or visit our guest list/vacancies page here. From midday UK GMT + 1 Time onwards please visit our Yahoo chat group
to chat with our affiliate authors, their guests and all members. If
you want to get a group of authors together to guest, please let us

QUESTION: Writing scenes(Part two): Define a cliffhanger in your own words and tell what it means to your writing? Question provided by affiliate author L. P Robinson
--You can copy and paste this section below if you wish to explain to your readers --
How to play: Your host: Sassy Brit of invites all writers (published and unpublished) to:
1. Grab the above AUTHOR BLOG HOP logo
2. Write your blog post in answer to the weekly "writing related" question and publish on your own blog
3. Go back to the CURRENT blog hop and leave your link in the Linky Tools (or comments if you have trouble)
4. Hop from blog to blog meeting and greeting the other participants on the list.
HINT #1:
It's helpful to leave your link in comments you leave on other blogs if
you are also participating in the blog hop for quick and easy
reciprocal comments.
HINT #2: The questions are uploaded to the Blog Hop Guidelines page in advance,
so you can plan and write your answer ahead of time and publish your blog post on Thursday.
Discover a new author today!
Need help?
Check the Author Blog Hop Guide here:
is author blog hop? Blog hop, also known as blog hopping, is to move
from one blog after another to read the entries or to leave comments.
A giveway with Larion Wills Closes 10th June
*All giveaways are open to all WORLDWIDE unless otherwise stated.
(and claim your free e-books!)
Group Rules*::No Promo's Mondays-Thursdays ONLY chat
Promo companies are limited to two posts per day per company on Fridays-Sundays keeping within the rules above. Thank you!
*The only exception to these rules are for our affiliate authors who can post promos any time.
Group Rules*::No Promo's Mondays-Thursdays ONLY chat
Promo companies are limited to two posts per day per company on Fridays-Sundays keeping within the rules above. Thank you!
*The only exception to these rules are for our affiliate authors who can post promos any time.

AUTHOR BLOG HOPPERS: Define a cliffhanger...(9thJune)
Reviewed by Sassy Brit @
8:16 am

Linky Tools has some great new features, but sadly they are in Beta mode have a few bugs, which can't be helped. Until these are sorted, please leave your pic and direct link to your blog hop answer here in the comments. Meanwhile, hopefully, I can do a temporary fix. Once it is, the cool new features are going to make this all worthwhile. :)
ReplyDeleteSorted! :D