This week I am pleased to welcome our spotlight author,
Victoria Blisse
Victoria, what's on your desk, Wednesday?
As you can see there’s not much on my little desk but I do like that I can sit comfortably on my sofa and type away at my latest story.
My writing schedule is not written in stone but generally I write in the morning. I get up early, between 5.30 and 6am and after checking my email I settle in to write. I generally get about an hour and on average that’ll yield me about a thousand words. I am the only person up at that time in the morning and so I get complete peace and quiet until it’s time to wake the daughter up for school.
When I’m on a deadline which I so often am, I will write in the evening too once my little one is in bed. I don’t write as easily then because my husband will be around and I get distracted by him and the TV. When I’m seriously needing to write I put on a huge pair of earphones and use music to keep me focused on the screen. It can work pretty well. Although I am a terrible procrastinator. I swear the only reason I ever get anything done is because I’m doing it to avoid doing something else!
If you would like to become procrastination fodder for me please feel free to find me on the net. I’m a big chatter and love to make new friends.
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This Wed Victoria Blisse Reveals All ... On her desk! (WOYDW?)
Reviewed by Sassy Brit @
1:04 am

Wow so early. I am just such a lazy person and now when I get up at 7.30 I think it is too early