Title: Rite of the Revolution
Author: Roquel Rodgers
Publisher: Self-published
Published: 2009. 2nd Edition, 2010
ISBN: 978-1440448058
Length: 399 pages
Genre: Historical Fiction
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At the same time war clouds are building in the new world, a young man of extraordinary talents and insights creates a club in Bavaria designed to achieve Universal Happiness and the Perfection of Mankind—using every means at his disposal, including high society contacts, his access to the Freemason’s network and, most of all, blackmail. You see, Adam Weishaupt has decided that the end justifies the means in his quest to build a kind of utopia where only he could provide true enlightenment, possible immortality and (his benefit) reign over all.
Using a powerful hallucinogen known as Kykeon, Adam reveals his plans to important men and binds them to his cause by any means necessary. He feels no guilt, no remorse. Why? He has met one of the Elohim, the gods who made men and who, in turn, submit to their god, Yaweh. He also learns there are strong powers in the world that are already being used for good and evil. But the users don’t know what he knows. And neither will you, dear reader, unless you pick up this complicated, steamy, sometimes bizarre, but always entertaining novel by author Roquel Rodgers.
Rite of the Revolution is a fictional story about the real Johann Adam Weishaupt who was an 18th century German philosopher and founder of the Order of Illuminati, a secret society with origins in Bavaria. It also entwines the establishment of the Illuminati with the beginning of the American War of Independence. As we watch the young Weishaupt build his philosophy into a Rite of Revolution, so are we given glimpses of a very different Benjamin Franklin than history has often revealed. In fact, the author offers us a story within a story, where Franklin is the unwitting cause of The Boston Tea Party, which enrages Britain enough to shut down the Port of Boston and allows its detractors to raise an army against her. These “fathers” of the American Revolution are also portrayed quite differently than the “truths” our historians have left us.
How are the two stories related? I can’t tell you without spoiling a surprise that makes sense of the entire book and sets up what I’m sure will be a very interesting sequel.
I can, however, give an example where Rodgers’ fiction may actually be more truthful than recorded history… My grandfather, an accomplished Mason who just happens to have had the last name Franklin, absolutely despised Ben Franklin, often referring to him as a blackguard and a scoundrel. The one time I asked him about his attitude, he intimated that Franklin was not only promiscuous, but that he spent little time worrying about the marital status of his conquests. I didn’t know at the time that Franklin was a Mason from whom better behaviour was expected. I’m now an accomplished Mason myself, and I understand my grandfather’s anger. I can also believe that Ben Franklin’s behaviour while America’s ambassador in England, as depicted by Roquel Rodgers, could easily have helped to precipitate the American Revolution. And I bet her version of Ben Franklin will blow the minds of most of her readers.
In her own words, Rodgers says “This book is a compilation of (almost) ALL the conspiracy theories about the Illuminati’s involvement in the American Revolution and weighs equally the insane with the veritable. It is a great place to start one’s investigation into this topic as most of the legends are here. Also – I am a direct descendant of Martha Custis Washington through her wayward son Jack Custis, and from him has been passed down a legend that my grandfather told me, that Washington was…” I stop the quote here so as not to spoil an important part of the story for you.
Roquel Rodgers is a Voudon High Priestess, Qabalist, and professional medium. Rite of the Revolution is her first novel. And if you like your history with lots of spice (translate that to SEX) and a pocket full of “what ifs?” then you should treat yourself to Rodgers’ depiction of the real-life people who brought America her freedom from England, yet inextricably bound themselves to an even more dangerous and hidden master.
I really enjoyed Rite of the Revolution and wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone with an interest in history and/or fiction that refuses to pull any punches.
Copyright © Clayton Clifford Bye 2010
October 2010
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Rite of the Revolution | Roquel Rodgers | Self-Published
Reviewed by Clayton Bye
6:40 pm

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