Hi, All,
If anyone would like to be featured for this - please email me (address above) with a picture of your DESK. This can be anything like your:
* author office
* computer/writing desk
* bookshelves
* TBR pile(s)
* favourite chair you sit in to work/surf/on your laptop
* comfy reading corner
* company office desk
* library you work in
You can also, but it's not obligatory, join in with the actual WYDW meme - which includes a text only version for people without cameras. I know, I'm so easy going I'm practically horizontal!
Why? I'm nosy! I love looking at what other people have on their desk. It's a chance to see what's on your bookshelves, TBR pile, and where authors write their magic! And I'm not the only one.
With your permission*, I will add your picture to my WYDW Flickr group, which is randomly displayed for all to see on this blog. To see this check out the blue section below!
I'll also link back to you from both the Flickr site, and on the actual blog post you feature, directing readers to your own blog/site. Extra publicity!
*I'm assuming that if you send me the picture you are also allowing me to add it to my Flickr Photo page. Thank you!
Looking forward to discovering more about you.
Alternative-Read.com: The "Inside Story" by Sassy Brit and her Gang!
~http://www.twibes.com/group/READERSandREVIEWERS~Chat and Promo Group~WHAT'S ON YOUR DESK WEDNESDAY? Book Blog Meme!~We are actively seeking staff!~ FaceBook~ LibraryThing~ AmazonUK~ GoodReads~ Technorati Categories:Book Review, FREE Books, Competition, Blog,Media, Press Release, Author,Podcast, Interview,Book News, Reviews,Reviewers, WitchGiggles, Aris, Lucille Perkins Robinson, Devlin O'Neill, Clayton Bye,Angelika Devlyn, Michael,Ella Blackhart, Bo Perkins,Giveaway,Yahoo Group, Guest Blog, Publisher, Newsletter, Stumbleupon, MySpace, Promo, alternative-read.com
If anyone would like to be featured for this - please email me (address above) with a picture of your DESK. This can be anything like your:
* author office
* computer/writing desk
* bookshelves
* TBR pile(s)
* favourite chair you sit in to work/surf/on your laptop
* comfy reading corner
* company office desk
* library you work in
You can also, but it's not obligatory, join in with the actual WYDW meme - which includes a text only version for people without cameras. I know, I'm so easy going I'm practically horizontal!
Why? I'm nosy! I love looking at what other people have on their desk. It's a chance to see what's on your bookshelves, TBR pile, and where authors write their magic! And I'm not the only one.
With your permission*, I will add your picture to my WYDW Flickr group, which is randomly displayed for all to see on this blog. To see this check out the blue section below!
I'll also link back to you from both the Flickr site, and on the actual blog post you feature, directing readers to your own blog/site. Extra publicity!
*I'm assuming that if you send me the picture you are also allowing me to add it to my Flickr Photo page. Thank you!
Looking forward to discovering more about you.
Alternative-Read.com: The "Inside Story" by Sassy Brit and her Gang!
~http://www.twibes.com/group/READERSandREVIEWERS~Chat and Promo Group~WHAT'S ON YOUR DESK WEDNESDAY? Book Blog Meme!~We are actively seeking staff!~ FaceBook~ LibraryThing~ AmazonUK~ GoodReads~ Technorati Categories:Book Review, FREE Books, Competition, Blog,Media, Press Release, Author,Podcast, Interview,Book News, Reviews,Reviewers, WitchGiggles, Aris, Lucille Perkins Robinson, Devlin O'Neill, Clayton Bye,Angelika Devlyn, Michael,Ella Blackhart, Bo Perkins,Giveaway,Yahoo Group, Guest Blog, Publisher, Newsletter, Stumbleupon, MySpace, Promo, alternative-read.com
CALL FOR PICS: What's On Your Desk Wednesdays?
Reviewed by Sassy Brit @ Alternative-Read.com
10:03 am

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Thanks for taking the time to leave a sassy comment. It's truly appreciated. I aim to get back to you as soon as possible -- Sassy :)