What happens when a vampire warrior steps in to assist a black wolf in a battle with rogue vampires, and the wolf turns out to be a Native American Skinwalker who has vowed to kill ALL the fang-faced monsters she finds?
Add in a hunter dead set on adding the black wolf to his menage of rare and exotic animals, and you've got one rollercoaster of a story.
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Rayne tossed his bag on his bed and resisted the urge to slam the door. Why couldn't the wolf have waited until after the fireworks festival to make a visit to the Charlestown State Park? Why now? There was enough to deal with without him being called away from the Cell.
In a few days, close to eight hundred thousand people were going to pack the waterfront in Louisville, Kentucky for an all-out party and fireworks show, and he was being pulled away to sniff around a park for a furry animal that happened to like the taste of Rogue meat. If it were up to him, he would let the wolf have all the Rogue steaks it wanted, but it seemed politics and the fear of their race being discovered was calling the shots.
As Rayne shoved clothes into his bag, an odd sensation came over him. Something was about to happen. A life-changing event was in store for him, though he did not know what was going to happen. The only thing he knew was the change was coming soon. He could feel it. The building itself seemed to be shifting, expanding, becoming something different, and he didn't know what it meant.
Rayne shook his head. He needed a vacation. Taking another glance around the room, he looked at where he slept during the day. Each evening he hit the streets to search for Rogues, then returned to his room. Another day, another evening. His life seemed like a windmill turning in one direction. Sometimes faster. Sometimes slower, but the same.
The whispers grew louder, surrounding him. Their words said all was about to change. Would the change be for the better? The answer had him concerned. He did not know.
As he closed the door to the main floor and headed to the garage, Rayne felt he was closing the door on a part of his life. Was that the change the walls had been whispering?
Something told him as he left the Cell for this mission, nothing would be the same when he returned.
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Reviewed by Sassy Brit @ Alternative-Read.com
1:55 pm
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