The Wanton Quill
Newsletter #47 April 2009 Edition
I hope you've had a spectacular month. Mine has been busy, which is good, and productive, which is very good. Grab a cup of your favorite beverage and I'll tell you all about it.
What you'll find in this issue:
What Jude's been up to:
Books, new publishers, the animals I live with and upcoming
surgery. Oh my!
Upcoming chats/events:
Find out when and where you can chat with Jude and her friends
Coming soon:
Ethan's Choice #1 in the Kindred Spirits Series: Co-authored w/ Jamie
Hill Livingon a Prayer: Slippery When Wet Series
Coming Together: Al Fresco
New Release:
Spank Me Once: Anthology (multi authors) Buy Now:
Wolfen Choice: Co-authored w/ Jamie Hill
Buy Now: http://tinyurl.com/cs3yoy
Care and see what I think about menage a trios?
Free Read
The very first peek at Livinâ on a Prayer, Book #2 in the Phaze Rocks, Slippery When Wet series
Contest information, present and future:
Who won and what's up for next month's contest
Website updates:
You betcha. New stuff and here's the url: http://www.my-haven2001.com/
To read a slightly condensed version online, go here:
If you'd like to join Jude's Yahoo Chat/Newsletter group, the url is:
To have your name added to my mailing list, please email me at:
Jude.MasonATyahoo.ca (change the AT to a @)
Take care and have an amazing day!
- - -
*Jude Mason - Come, explore with me…if you dare*
Website: http://www.my-haven2001.com
Newsletter: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Jude_Masons_Newsletter/
Jude_Masons_Newsletter/> Custom Erotica Fantasies:
To join my mailing list, email me: jude.mason AT yahoo.ca
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Thanks for taking the time to leave a sassy comment. It's truly appreciated. I aim to get back to you as soon as possible -- Sassy :)