REVIEW: Jane's Prize by Margrett Dawson from Ellora's Cave -

REVIEW: Jane's Prize by Margrett Dawson from Ellora's Cave

Title: Jane's Prize
Author: Margrett Dawson
Publisher: Ellora's Cave
Website of Publisher:
Genre: Paranormal
Publication date: August 2008
ISBN: 9781419917714
Length: Novel
Format: e-book
Reviewer: WitchGiggles

Need a quick way to make some money? For Jane Chartraine that meant forty-eight hours in a supposedly haunted house; or mansion to be exact. To find out the hard way about ghosts by having one become visible or reborn in a manner of speaking was needless to say a definite experience. To fall in love with Pierce (the reborn spectre) was not in the cards.

Having been without a corporeal body made intimacy something longed for, but not happening. To suddenly be given another chance meant that Pierce Newland wasn't taking anything for granted- except his feelings for the beautiful Jane. He was going to stick by her side come Hell or
high water; though Hell was a definite possibility.

All righty then- finding my own ghost lover would be pretty cool, except for the fact that I might not like what I get. I found it an interesting premise with the added insertion of an intriguing possibility thrown in. Non-believers, maleficent entities, revenge, erotic sex, and the little bits of humor that were woven together to make this an engrossing read. Ms. Dawson has a rare talent in putting together a story that not only is enjoyable, but makes me wonder what if.

REVIEW: Jane's Prize by Margrett Dawson from Ellora's Cave REVIEW: Jane's Prize by Margrett Dawson from Ellora's Cave Reviewed by WitchGiggles on 7:17 am Rating: 5

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