Title: Hunting Mila
Author: Melissa Schroeder
Publisher: Ellora's Cave
Website of Publisher: http://www.ellorascave.com
Genre: Futuristic
Publication date: September 2008
ISBN: 9781419917790
Length: Short Novel
Format: e-book
Reviewer: WitchGiggles
It's a total pain when you are trying to complete an assignment and
your soon-to-be step-brother comes in like a caveman ans screwing things up; even if he does come in handy in a fight. Mila Simmons has a secret life and she just wants to get on with it; sans the barbarian.
Responding to a request / demand from the man who sired him, John Hunter takes time from his busy work to go "debutante" hunting to retrieve his errant soon-to-be step-mama's daughter. What he wasn't counting on was deciding said female throwing his possessive streak into high gear.
Hmmm, smart-mouthed female, huge hunky man, rotten villains and some totally inept henchmen are just the beginning of this humorous tale of two warriors who can't see the forest for the trees (or are determined to ignore the flaming lust at first look). Throw in some molten sex, ever-increasing danger and this becomes a truly good read.
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