Publisher: Ellora's Cave
Website of Publisher: http://www.ellorascave.com/
Genre: Paranormal
Rating: E-rotic
Publication date: December 2004
ISBN: 1-4199-0092-7
Length: Novel
Format: e-book
Reviewer: WitchGiggles
Half-human, half-elf, Aislinn Windbourne finds herself smack in the middle of "cop business" when she finds her friend murdered. Now, if she can keep from falling under macho Trace's spell every time he gets near her, she might be able to help him solve the murder—whether he wants her to or not. It's his reaction to psychics that makes it so hard to be near him.
Trace Dilessio is a detective and a damn good one. He doesn't need some crazy psychic telling him how to do his job—even one who's keeping him from sleeping at night and aroused just thinking her name. Everybody knows that psychics are frauds, but there are some really weird things happening that he can't explain.
I loved this book. I'm a sucker for a story where the mains just have to keep trying to work it out. Throw in some concerned friends, murder, some of the most erotically written lovemaking as well as some good down and dirty sex, and you get a read that starts out good and gets better.
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