Title: Promise for Now
Author: Diane Hunter
Publisher: Ellora's Cave
Website of Publisher: http://www.ellorascave.com
Genre: Erotica/BDSM
Rating: E-rotic
Publication date: April 2008
ISBN: 9781419915086
Length: Quickie
Format: e-book
Reviewer: Aris
After twenty-five good years Carol was finally divorced from Mike and was ready to start a new life after a little grieving in her most private place, her gardening shed. Well, at least now she no longer
had to put up with his lying and cheating, and trying to live an
upscale life devoid of emotions, at least where Carol was concerned.
Brian Stockbridge was an author and lived right behind Carol. They had been yard friends since Carol and Mike had moved in but no more that than that due to Mike's jealousy. Now as Brian looked out his window and saw Carol's feet sticking out of the garden shed he leaped to get her help. Scaling the fence with 911 on the line he discovered she was only asleep. But he also sensed a need deep within her to be cherished, with his brand of bondage.
Is jumping from emotional bondage in a loveless marriage to physical bondage with the neighbour the way to start a new life? Carol seems to have some ideas that Brian might be able to make her feel loved and whole again by tying her up. Brian writes erotic fiction and know just what she needs but will that really make things better? This is an exciting look at a disparate housewife ready to start over. The sex is top notch and keeps the reader turning the pages of this quickie.
"The Inside Story" as told by Sassy Brit and her Gang! Lively and Spirited Reviews
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