Title: The King's Daughter
Author: M C Halliday
Website of Author: http://members.shaw.ca/mchalliday/
Publisher: Samhain Publishing, LTD.
Website of Publisher: http://samhainpublishing.com/
Genre: Fantasy
Publication date: February 2008
Rating: Adult
ISBN: 1-59998-033-9
Length: Novel
Format: e-book
Reviewer: WitchGiggles
Royal daughters have little say in their lives and are often bartered much like grain and cattle. Such is the path Magaith must tred to secure peace for her people. Daughter of the King of Munster and a Druidic witch, in love with a Knight pledged to her father, sold to Borda, she must find her way through the morass of intrigue set about by an evil wizard. To fail is a thought not to be allowed.
Sygtryg has long been Knight Protector to Magaith, but puts aside his love for her to honor his vow to his king. He travels with them to see her wed to King Borda, but evil, intrigue and magic abound and force choices to change. For the better? Each player's perspective differs. After a poisoning attempt on Magaith he forswears his oath to his king focusing the wizard's rage upon him. Magaith becomes truly his only hope.
Harrold, brother to Borda, is determined to become High King of Eire with Magaith at his side as his Queen. Torgaad, a great, but greatly feared wizard may be the only person capable of beating him.
After I adjusted to the Olde English form of speech, which would have been correct for this era, I found it an interesting read. The concepts of honor, showing the repercussions of not thinking things through were completely refreshing. The best part of the book for me was in watching the growth of the characters from young and rather naive to older and a bit smarter. Sometimes I find the martyr a bit less appealing than the person who thinks and beats their opponent without chaos and destruction. Isn't justice a wonderful thing?
About the Author:
British born, I live in a cottage at the edge of a forest, nestled in a cosy valley in the mountains. I pen a variety of genres ranging from noir detective mystery to medieval paranormal romance. Vivid characterizations and plots with surprising revelations and depth charge twists are my passion. It is my hope these tales of women take you far away on romantic, sometimes dark but always exciting adventures.
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