Title: Master Me, Torrid Tarot, Six of Pentacles
Author: Brynn Paulin
Publisher: Ellora's Cave
Website of Publisher: http://www.ellorascave.com
Genre: BDSM
Rating: E-rotic
Publication date: January 2008
ISBN: 9781419914072
Length: Short Novel
Format: e-book
Anastasia Cooper was looking for Mr. Right, a very dominant Mr. Right. What she had found was a string of Mr. Wrongs. She was a true submissive and had begun seriously looking for someone to control her. She had committed to being Tyler's slave for a week and he had demanded she go to his club with him and allow him to pass her around to other men, for his viewing pleasure. Like that was going to happen! Confiding in her long time friend Max however, did not get the expected results.
Max Cress had had enough. He had always kept his dominance from Anastasia because she was like a kid sister to him. Their friendship was important and he did not want to loose that, so he remained happy to stay 'friendly Max'. Or so he though. Once he made the decision to take on Ana's and guide her with the training she required he knew he also wanted to keep her safe, especially from Tyler.
This is a wonderful BDSM story. It is the kind that is Masterful as well as tender. It touches the heart as well as other parts of the anatomy and creates many warm feelings.
Aris Alternative-Read.com
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