Title: What Lies Between Them
Author: Jodi Lynn Copeland
Publisher: Cerridwen Press
Website of Publisher:
Genre: Romance-Contemporary
Publication date: November 2007
ISBN: 9781419912054
Length: Novel
Format: e-book
Autumn Daniels had been the perfect politicians wife, but now Court was dead and she was three months pregnant. She wanted to go home but knew in order to stay she would have to prove she was no longer the impetuous girl that always acted without thought to the consequences. She was also afraid of seeing Matthew again. He was her one big mistake, she had given him her heat nine years ago and he had sent her running.
Matt Kinsey was never respectable enough for her family but he loved her non the less. He knew she deserved better and had sent her away. He never expected her to fall in love with his best friend, ex-best friend Court. Now his friend was dead and she was back. How in the
hell was he going to live with her in town.
This is a wonderful romance. Just what the doctor ordered for a great night in a chair by a fire. Dreams of love, especially finding love that was once lost is the most potent cure for loneliness. The reader can certainly get into the characters minds and live this dream with them. Happily ever after has a great effect on the mind.
ARIS Alternative-Read.com
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