Can you be successfully married and single at the same time?
Fresh for the New Year from Dandelion Books - MarriSingle: Growing from Chaos, by Brenda Frantz
TEMPE, AZ, Dandelion Books, www.dandelionbooks.net , January 23, 2008. . . . How one woman learned to thrive on living "married to" & "separated from" the Love of her life!
In a revealing first-hand account of married life on a U.S. military base both in the U.S. and abroad, author Brenda Frantz meets the Army and her husband head-on in a number of major confrontations for which she pays a heavy price. Even divorce from and re-marriage to the love of her life did not heal the pain and anxiety caused by frequent separations, including deployments to Kosovo and Iraq -- until Ms. Frantz decided to reframed her relationship in order to see it, and herself, from a different perspective.
MarriSingle: Growing from Chaos, by Brenda Frantz (ISBN 978-0-9789611-4-5), published by Dandelion Books, is available at www.Amazon.com - other online bookstores and brick & mortar bookstores worldwide.
Writes Ms. Frantz: "By telling my story, I'm giving myself the courage and confidence to share with you the most intimate moments of my life and how I came to invent the term "Marrisingle." This term, rooted in my experiences, then became the basis
for developing a unique stop-loss relationships counseling and therapy program. It has become my life mission to help people become empowered as individuals and as partners in relationships founded on love, commitment and trust.

"With refreshing frankness. Ms. Frantz shares the marrow and guts of her life without apologies or excuses, resulting in a well-written self-help book with a distinctive style and voice. Today, Ms. Frantz provides a "stop-loss" counseling program that empowers individuals and couples in loving, committed relationships. If your relationships are failing, your marriage falling apart, if life seems black and hopeless or stress and anxiety are eating you alive, the information in this book is essential."
—Laurel Johnson for Midwest Book Review
"Brenda Frantz is a gal with guts who spent the major portion of her life making enough mistakes in relationship issues to finally get it right! Many of the book's "victim/martyr dialogues" as well as Frantz's running scripts of "not feeling good enough" will shout a loud HELLO to the reader, delivering the same wake-up call that led Frantz to launch her Marrisingle counseling and therapy practice. Marrisingle: Growing from Chaos is a beautifully written book with an important message."
—Beryl Wolk, President/CEO of Beryl's World, www.berylsworld.com –
"The greatest self-proclaimed marketing genius in the world!"
"As a veteran (USAF Ret.) and military retiree who experienced family life on base as well as being away on remote assignments, I wish to commend Brenda Frantz for her accuracy, honesty and courage in writing a book that should be read by marrisingle partners of all ages and backgrounds. As a certified hypnotherapist with considerable experience in working with "marrisingle" relationship issues, I know it is never easy to "tell all," but when the intention is to help others, no cause can be greater than a book such as this one."
—Barney Howell, CHt., President, Atwood Institute for Research &
Education, www.atwoodinstitute.org
"Marrisingle is a fast-paced, meaty, honest story filled with the spice of life that begs you to want to know "what's next." Brenda Frantz had the courage to share the real story of her life so that others might also find their way to their own Inner Peace. Superb!"
—Sharon Kay, Entrepreneur and Author of A Mother's Journey
(Dandelion Books), www.angelfingerprints.com
Brenda Frantz Shnowski is a Professional Social worker, Certified Hypnotherapist, Public Administrator, Educator in Secondary Education and Special Education and Family Court Mediator. She has earned a total of eight professional certifications which include: Certified Juvenile Court Officer, Certified School Liaison Officer and Certified Florida Supreme Court Family/Community Mediator. She is a member in good standing of eight national professional organizations and her education also includes a Bachelor's degree in Social Work and Master's degree in Public Administration.
Brenda is the President of Marrisingle Counseling and Hypnotherapy Services, which addresses relationship, mind/body, addiction recovery and personal growth issues. Her private practice is located in Phoenix, Arizona and she also gives area, regional and national workshops and seminars.
For more information, contact:
Carol Adler
Dandelion Books, LLC
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NEW RELEASE: Marrisingle-Growing from Chaos
Reviewed by Sassy Brit @ Alternative-Read.com
6:00 am
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