224. Alternative LINK: Women's Day! ~ - Alternative-Read.com

224. Alternative LINK: Women's Day! ~

Here is a interesting article in Nick Robinson's Newslog. He's giving free PR advice to ministers - particularly ministers in trouble - who can't sing!

And boy do I remember that other political singing horror Cherie Blair with her very brave rendition of "When I'm Sixty-Four" in front of a bewildered crowd of Chinese students in Beijing.

And then there is that embarressing 'gobble-me-up' moment John Redwood forgot the words to the Welsh National Anthem. Or did he NEVER know the words?

A word of adivce, to ANYONE listening - if you don't know the words please don't mouth them and pretend you do. The public have ears, eyes and televisions. We'll find out in the end!


International Women's Day is the story of ordinary women as makers of history; it is rooted in the centuries-old struggle of women to participate in society on an equal footing with men. In ancient Greece, Lysistrata initiated a sexual strike against men in order to end war; during the French Revolution, Parisian women calling for "liberty, equality, fraternity" marched on Versailles to demand women's suffrage.

International Women's Day LINK


What ends would you go to appear on the television?

I'm perfectly happy not showing myself up on screen...but what would YOU do?
(Please if you are singing, make sure you have a plan. Learn the words at least!)

The Happiness Manifesto:
Today I'm grateful for:

1. Feeling on top of the world! And I don't know why.

2. The taste of ice cold water when your mouth is as dry as the bottom of a birdcage.

3. Watching my dog running in her sleep!

4. Stargazing.

5. Father Ted, for making me laugh and laugh and laugh and...

What else is in the THE HAPPINESS MANIFESTO? (See 43things.com for more details).

1. Plant something and keep it alive.
2. Count your blessings — think of at least five —
at the end of every day.
3. Have an hour-long uninterrupted conversation
with your partner each week.
4. Telephone a friend.
5. Give yourself a regular treat.
6. Have a good laugh each day.
7. Take regular exercise.
8. Smile at strangers, or talk to them.
9. Cut your television viewing by half.
10. Perform an act of kindness every day.

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224. Alternative LINK: Women's Day! ~ 224. Alternative LINK: Women's Day! ~ Reviewed by Sassy Brit @ Alternative-Read.com on 9:30 pm Rating: 5

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