216. Alternative LINK: Computer Playing up? Treat it to something special! - Alternative-Read.com

216. Alternative LINK: Computer Playing up? Treat it to something special!

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Are you a web developer? Get Firefox, and you too could have a lovely little gadget like this:

Read all about it at Greg Phenhaligon's blog! Code Monkey.

Here's a taster...

Speaking of open source software, a friend of mine just turned me on to what is possibly the coolest little time-saving application a front-end developer could ever hope for. I literally fall in love with the thing all over again every time I use it. It's an extension for Firefox called Web Developer, and you can install it for free right here. Go get it right now and I'll walk you through my favorite features. Go on, I'll still be here.

My Daily Random Question:

Who do you go to when you need to REALLY talk?

With me, my husband wins hands down! Poor soul gets the worst of everything, and still hangs around! LOL

The Happiness Manifesto:
Today I'm grateful for:

1. An understanding husband.

2. My positive 'quote of the day' subscription!

3. Fresh smelling bedsheets.

4. An early night!

5. Chocolate. (May have put this one in before...)

What else is in the THE HAPPINESS MANIFESTO?

1. Plant something and keep it alive.
2. Count your blessings — think of at least five —
at the end of every day.
3. Have an hour-long uninterrupted conversation
with your partner each week.
4. Telephone a friend.
5. Give yourself a regular treat.
6. Have a good laugh each day.
7. Take regular exercise.
8. Smile at strangers, or talk to them.
9. Cut your television viewing by half.
10. Perform an act of kindness every day.

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216. Alternative LINK: Computer Playing up? Treat it to something special! 216. Alternative LINK: Computer Playing up? Treat it to something special! Reviewed by Sassy Brit @ Alternative-Read.com on 7:07 pm Rating: 5

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