Title: The Bumper Book of Fads and Crazes
Author: Richard Lewis
Publisher: Atlantic Books, London
Publisher’s Website: http://www.groveatlantic.co.uk/
Genre: Humour
Publication date: 17th October 2005
ISBN: 1 84354 419 9
Length: 306 Pages
Format: Paperback
The Bumper Book of Fads and Crazes ~ Richard Lewis ~Atlanic Books, London ~ Humour
A truly memorable read about widespread mania and odd British pastimes!
As a child I remember being extremely envious of my mate's Raleigh Chopper bike, and to make matters worse she also had a Pogo Stick! But I had a bright orange Space Hopper to bounce on and a pair of Klackers that I could fling around dangerously, klick-klacking as loud as I could. Great fun! Even if I'd often make myself cry, as the large and very heavy plastic balls on string wrapped themselves violently around my wrists – it was the only way I could get them to stop once I was in full swing!
Now if these items were on your wish list or in fact you were luckily enough to own them, then like me, there’s no doubt you will be cooing and reminiscing throughout this whole Bumper Book of Fads and Crazes! Either that or you'll be breaking out in a cold sweat with bizarre flashbacks from an earlier era in your life you may rather forget.
From Action Men and CB radios to those blue guys called Smurfs and the Yuppie Thatcher brigade, Richard Lewis not only remembers them all, but humorously entertains us with behind the scene stories told by enthusiastic fans, intolerant parents, marketing gurus and the inventors who raked in all our cash.
Each fad and craze is indexed in alphabetical order for easy reference and accompanied by unique Fad Facts to remind us how they plagued our playgrounds, infested our homes and spread like wildfire across the media.
In addition, there are hilarious Fad ratings of your most favourite fashions, buzzwords and must-have toys and gadgets that gripped the nation, just like the Deely Bopper antennae gripped our heads. (Ouch!)
"With a little bit of this and a little bit of that…" all those memories will come flooding back! – And some, like The Birdie Song, will drive you crazy.
A truly memorable read about widespread mania and odd British pastimes! It was like being a child again, only without the pain!
Richard Lewis was born in 1971 and once owned a My Little Pony called Bow Tie. He is also the author of the bestselling Encyclopaedia of Cult Children’s TV. The sight of an Airfix kit brings him out in a rash.
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189. Alternative READ:The Bumper Book of Fads and Crazes ~ Richard Lewis ~Atlanic Books, London ~ Humour
Reviewed by Sassy Brit @ Alternative-Read.com
12:44 pm
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