43. An Alternative VIEW: Soaring Eagle - Spirit of the Wind ~ HJ Courtright - Alternative-Read.com

43. An Alternative VIEW: Soaring Eagle - Spirit of the Wind ~ HJ Courtright

Title: Soaring Eagle, Spirit of the Wind
Author: HJ Courtright
Publisher: Literary Art Publishers
Genre: Fiction / Shamanism / New Age
Publication date: 2003
ISBN: 0-9744866-1-2
Length: 74 pages
Edition: Paperback

Soaring Eagle, Spirit of the Wind ~ HJ Courtright

“What a pity modern society has shaped the world in such a way, we have lost touch with these archaic techniques of ecstasy (the withdrawal of the soul from the body) and the powers of entheogenic plants!”

On a camping trip with her friend Alison, Rosalie, accidentally slips in a cave, bangs her head against the rocks; only to discover when she awakes that she is staring at her own physical being sprawled on the floor at her feet.

From this moment on, she crosses over into another realm, where she is given a chance to heal emotional scars from her childhood and make peace with her parents who died tragically when she was just a child. This is a journey of courage, willpower, and self-discovery, as seen through the visions of a shaman with the ability to leave his body whilst in a trance, and freely pass between the physical and spiritual realms.

Along the way, she is called upon by a mysterious Goddess, Amaranda, to help end the plague, which has befallen the spirit world, Akasha. With the help of plant and animal spirit guides, Soaring Eagle visualises Rosalie’s difficult journey into the heavens and underworld, where she must search out four sacred stones and the ultimate answer to the great mystery surrounding her soul. Her soul, unbeknown to Rosalie, is now divided into three parts; a guilt ridden present, inner child, and a dark, destructive internal essence.

I have often wondered if other realms exist, and reading Soaring Eagle - Spirit of the Wind, has reminded me that it is possible via shamanistic healing. What a pity modern society has shaped the world in such a way, we have lost touch with these archaic techniques of ecstasy (the withdrawal of the soul from the body) and the powers of entheogenic plants!

Although the writing is very descriptive, it is not excessive considering the subject matter. I felt H.J.Courtright’s use of adjectives and lyrical phraseology is justified. The vivid imagery exudes a bold freshness to the author’s writing style. It enhances the contemplation of wholeness within a hidden spiritual world independent of any religious philosophy. Incidentally, three chapters, Divination, Sage and Extraction represent the author’s own shamanistic journeys – an exhilarating thought, that all is not lost and entering altered states of consciousness is attainable, if you know how.

All in all, an enchanting, mind-opening read!

Buy your copy at Amazon.Com or buy direct from the author's website:

43. An Alternative VIEW: Soaring Eagle - Spirit of the Wind ~ HJ Courtright 43. An Alternative VIEW: Soaring Eagle - Spirit of the Wind ~ HJ Courtright Reviewed by Sassy Brit @ Alternative-Read.com on 9:21 am Rating: 5

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