38. Euro-Reviews ~ Romance: NightWind ~ Charlotte Boyett-Compo - Alternative-Read.com

38. Euro-Reviews ~ Romance: NightWind ~ Charlotte Boyett-Compo

Title: NightWind 1st Book from HellWind Trilogy
Author: Charlotte Boyett-Compo
Publisher: www.hardshell.com
Genre: Fiction / Fantasy / horror / Romance
Publication date: 2003
ISBN: 0-7599-362-93
Length: 397 pages

NightWind 1st Book: HellWind Triology ~ Charlotte Boyett~Compo

This book brings a whole new meaning to the saying, ‘as wicked as Syn!’ Pure Evil at its best. See my review on Charlotte's websiteReview No.28!

Also found at the Euro-Reviews Romantic Fiction Site.

38. Euro-Reviews ~ Romance: NightWind ~ Charlotte Boyett-Compo 38. Euro-Reviews ~ Romance: NightWind ~ Charlotte Boyett-Compo Reviewed by Sassy Brit @ Alternative-Read.com on 6:31 pm Rating: 5

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