35. An Alternative View: Aug 05 Personal Goal - Alternative-Read.com

35. An Alternative View: Aug 05 Personal Goal

OK, this is it. Once I press that 'Post this message' button, I HAVE to go through with this.

My August 2005 Writing Goals

154 new pages / 12 reviews / 1 column / 1 article / 1 newsletter

Week 1 - 5 pgs per day/2 reviews (35 pgs)
Week 2 - 5 pgs per day/2 reviews (35 pgs)
Week 3 - 5 pgs per day/2 reviews(35 pgs)
Week 4 - 4 pgs per day/2 reviews (28 pgs)
Week 5 - 3 pgs per day/2 reviews (21 pgs) <>

Btw, It may be my imagination, but did someone post a competition on here...and then remove it? I'm sure it really happened, and I'm not dreaming! I went back to read it today, but cannot find it anywhere...

35. An Alternative View: Aug 05 Personal Goal 35. An Alternative View: Aug 05 Personal Goal Reviewed by Sassy Brit @ Alternative-Read.com on 8:24 pm Rating: 5

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